This page will provide all of the information in regards to our Girls 2023-2024 Club Season.
For any questions or concerns, contact our Girls Club Director Josh Olshan
Coacholshan@cox.net and CC Info@momentumvb.com
Tryout Location and Times/Age Definitions
Membership Requirements & Tryout Registration
Required Documentation for Tryouts
1. Exciting Changes: This season, we're focusing on growing our younger age groups and introducing our first-ever 11s girls' teams. We have had a massive influx in interest in younger age groups. We'll be offering multiple teams for ages 11-17, including region level local teams, travel, and nationals' teams! Unfortunately, we have made the business decision to not offer 18s teams this season. Competition divisions will be based on evaluation night, tryout attendance, and more. We want to ensure your player is being challenged, but also has playing time and growth opportunities while still being competitively challenged for the course of the season.
2. Convenient Locations: We've secured practice facilities at Hillcrest Middle School, Desert Sky Middle School, and other northwest locations. Plus, for several of our teams, stay tuned for the opportunity to utilize our brand-new partnership with the multimillion-dollar Haven Facility starting in January!
3. Family-Focused: We're limiting our club to a maximum of 15 teams to ensure a close-knit, family atmosphere while maintaining a competitive and athlete-focused environment. Your player is more than just a number to us; they're part of our incredible MVC community.
4. Hudl Assist: Many of our teams will receive Hudl Assist as part of their club packages. This powerful tool breaks down video for teams and players, provides detailed stats, and opens doors to college-level play with recruitment opportunities.
5. Stay Informed: Make sure you're on our girls' email distribution list to receive the latest updates. Visit momentumvb.com for information, and follow us on Facebook and Instagram @MomentumAZ.
7. Open Gyms & Open House Nights: Join us at open gyms for 2 Hours of volleyball action ($20 cash per session) and individual development. Our Free Open House Nights (also known as Eval Nights) are your chance to connect with our coaches and get a head start on evaluations. We encourage all players to attend open house nights if you plan on tryout out for MVC. Evaluation prior to tryouts is vital to our club decision making process and team projections!
MVC's mission is to mold student athletes into role models on and off the court, and our goal is to equip them for a successful future through volleyball. We hope you'll join us on this exciting journey!
You must be registered for tryouts in order to participate. See below.
Tryouts will be held at Barry Goldwater High School located at 2820 W Rose Garden Ln, Phoenix, AZ 85027
Girls Ages 11s, 12s, 13s and 14s: Saturday, November 4th
Girls Ages 15s, 16s, 17s: Saturday November 18th
See 2023-2024 USAV Age Definition Chart to know which age your player should attend.
All players will be required to pay a ($20 CASH Only) non-refundable tryout fee. This covers facility use and fees for tryouts.
November 4th
11s, 12s, 13, and 14s
14u: Check in at 9:30am
Tryouts From 10am-12pm
13u: Check in at 11:00am
Tryouts From 11:30am-1:30pm
11u/12u: Check in at 12:30pm
Tryouts from 1:00-3:00pm
November 18th
15s, 16s, 17s, 18s
15u: Check in at 9:30am
Tryouts From 10am-12pm
16u: Check in at 11:00am
Tryouts From 11:30am-1:30pm
17u/18s: Check in at 12:30pm
Tryouts from 1:00-3:00pm

Required Memberships and Tryout Registration
Tryout Registration Process:
1. Create Sportsengine Parent Account
2. Purchase Player Membership from Region site
3. Register for Tryouts with Momentum (Must complete Step 1 and 2 before registering). Players must be registered for tryouts in order to participate.
1. Sportsengine Account:
This is a parent/Guardian requirement. Do not have your player set up and purchase their own membership. It will cause administrative delays with the region and the clubs and could potentially delay your player from participating. Please read instructions below.
Sportsengine Account Set-Up For new club players: Parents will need to set up a new Parent Account (Also known as a "Household account") at Login.Sportsengine.com . Please be sure to remember your new login email and password. When setting up this new account, be sure to enter the Adult/Guardian's information into the profile, not the player. Once you have created your account and can access Sportsengine, you can leave the SE site and continue to step 2, purchasing your players membership.
2. Purchasing Memberships
USAV Memberships are required for all Players to Attend Open House and Tryouts! – Your player needs a USAV Player membership to try-out and participate in any USAV sanctioned events in AZ, including Open House events.
Purchasing Your Membership:
Once you know your parental Sportsengine account email and password, click this link.
The link can also be found at www.azregionvolleyball.org/join
The link will take you to the SportsEngine Membership Quizzard which will have you sign into your parental SportsEngine account and help determine the appropriate player membership to purchase.
You will want to select the appropriate indoor player membership and select who the membership is for.
When it asks who the membership is for, Select your players name. If your player does not show up, select ADD A CHILD and enter their information for the membership. It is important that you use the same login that you used previously if you are returning player. Be sure you are entering the players info for the membership, NOT the parents!
Continue on through the purchasing process. It will be around $60 for the seasonal USAV Membership
Write down and save the players USAV Membership number, you will enter this number when you register for tryouts with MVC. Once completed, move on to Step 3, Registering for Tryouts at Momentum.
3. Registering for Tryouts at Momentum
Have your current USAV Players membership number available when registering for Momentum tryouts via the QR code below.
Click this link, or scan the QR Code below and complete the tryout registration process. Only complete this if you are 100% committed to attending our tryouts. We use the registration numbers to project teams and age groups prior to tryout morning. When you click the link, the page will open, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the button to begin. This is a form created in Sportsengine, so it may have you log in to your parent account again to complete the registration process. Please ensure accuracy when entering information, especially with player birthdays.
Register for tryouts Here or Scan the QR code Below from your phone:

Required Forms to Bring to Tryouts
Fill out all required forms and paperwork below. Feel free to turn paperwork in at open house/eval nights. Please do not double side the forms. Fill out forms legibly. Only parents or responsible player guardians should fill these out.
Tryout Paperwork: All documents are REQUIRED in order to try out. Forms will also be emailed prior to tryouts.
Click here for the 3 AZ Region documents, which include:
USAV Medical Release form
2024 USAV Concussion Form
2024 Safesport Form
If this is your first year playing club, bring a copy of your birth certificate
$20 Cash Tryout Fee - Also Be Prepared to pay minimum cash or check deposit to secure roster spot
Projected Teams & Dues:
**Tentative, Subject to Change**
This season, we're focusing on growing our younger age groups and introducing our first-ever 11s girls' teams. We have had a massive influx in interest in younger age groups. We'll be offering multiple teams for ages 11-17, including region level local teams, travel, and nationals' teams! Unfortunately, we have made the business decision to not offer 18s teams this season. Competition divisions will be based on evaluation night, tryout attendance, and more. We want to ensure your player is being challenged, but also has playing time and growth opportunities while still being competitively challenged for the course of the season.
We're limiting our club to a maximum of 15 teams to ensure a close-knit, family atmosphere while maintaining a competitive and athlete-focused environment. Your player is more than just a number to us; they're part of our incredible MVC community. This is our projected pricing and teams for the 14u age group. If we have more players register for tryouts than anticipated, we will explore options to add additional teams in our younger age groups.
14u Season Dues (subject to change)
14u Tournament Schedule: (subject to change)
15s 16s 17s Season Dues: (subject to change)
18s See Below.
15s 16s 17s Tournament Schedule:
(subject to change)
We had some great feedback recently and some requests when it came to the schedule and pricing. Everyone seems very excited and wanting to make this happen. The girls region finals are in April, so we do not want to do any extra added tournaments after that so girls can focus on prom, graduation, and other major milestones coming up at the end of the school year.
Many of you have expressed interest in your daughter playing in college. In order to play in college, they need to compete in club, get film and stats(Added Hudl!), and play in some NQ tournaments for exposure. We also have to balance the cost. We feel we did that.
We understand that parents have college tuition coming up and other financial obligations and sometimes, club volleyball isn't at the top of the list. We are going to offer the best possible option we can come up with in terms of schedule and pricing so they can have an amazing season and a competitive team. We have to balance, cost, getting exposure, schedule, and more.
We tried to keep the travel to a minimum (1 out of state travel tournament). They're 18! We know they want to travel one more time. We have 2 AAU Qualifiers(Free Bids), and 2 USAV NQ's on the calendar. 3 out of 4 of those are local -*Save's family money of flights, rental cars, hotel, etc.). Remember, if they win and accept a bid, they will have to commit to playing end of May and June for Nationals...
MVC will also offer 2-3 fundraiser opportunities to help with cost. We are offering a candle fundraiser to start the season, we also going to run a serve-a-thon fundraiser that has been very successful for us recently. We may also run a custom-hydro fundraiser as well. MVC does not keep any funds from this and give the max amount back to the players and family.
We are going to run this 18s Nationals team at $3100.00. We ARE also Including HUDL video assist for every player since we know getting video and stats for college is vital this season! It also includes 3 custom jerseys, new custom warm-up jacket and pants, backpack, player t-shirts, custom hydro-like water bottles, extreme speed training, the standard coaches' salaries, gym rentals, equipment, tournament entries fees, and other club overhead expenses.
We will need the $750 deposit to get everything ordered and get tournament entry fees paid and court time solidified, we can break the rest into payments of $470. Any money raised in the fundraisers will be applied to outstanding club dues.
18s: Projected Schedule
All AZ Region Tournaments - Region Finals in April
Jolley Volley Pre-Season Tournament 12/8-12/9
2024 Festival Fiesta Classic *AAU Qualifier 02/17-02/19
AZ NQ - *USAV Qualifier 3/2-3/3
*PLUS 1 Travel NQ:
IF we can get accepted, our first choice is the 18s Red Rock Rave in Las Vegas 03/30-04/01 *USAV Qualifier
We are currently on the wait-list. We are waiting to hear back soon. This is drive-able for families and saves on flights.
IF we are not accepted into Red Rock Rave 18s weekend, then we will replace this tournament with the Lone Star Classic in Austin on Jan 19th-21st 2024. We will keep the season dues the same regardless. We know this is coming up quickly. After tryouts, at the parent meeting we should have a better understanding of the travel NQ decision. We will discuss as a team and if there is something that makes more sense for the team, we will explore that as well.
If 18s you can make it to Tuesday and Thursday FREE open houses from 6-8PM at Hillcrest so we can all try and be in one place and see the girls, that would be great! Glennda and I should be there to answer any questions.
Tryout Registration is open, so if you are 100% in, please go to our website and print the region document, bring those to open house with you, and register for tryouts. You will need to purchase the new USAV Membership for your player. We have posted all of this and the instruction on our website. www.momentumvb.com/girls2023
We will have more details Tuesday and Thursday and be able to answer any questions. I know it will be hard to get everyone in the same place at once so we will do our best! There is a lot going on this week and we appreciate your flexibility and dedication to your daughter playing club this season, hopefully with Momentum!
Projected Coaches
GIrls Club Director/Coach: Josh Olshan (coacholshan@cox.net)
*Coaching Lineups are based on projected teams and are subject to change based on tryout registration*

Can I stay to watch my daughter during tryouts?
No, this is a closed tryout to parents. Parents will be asked to leave or wait in their vehicle and will be given a time to return.
How will I know if my daughter makes a team?
Players will be notified at the end of the tryout session if they made a team or not. If your player makes a team, they will contact you right away and you will be asked to fill out the required tryout paperwork, forms, contracts, meet with coaches, and submit payment to secure roster spot, etc.
What happens after I complete my tryout paperwork?
Once your paperwork is complete, you will then go to the payment table to turn in your $750 commitment deposit. This secures your roster spot and allows us to get the custom uniform package ordered ASAP. During this time, your player will be sized for their uniforms and you will be given next steps, practice info, practice schedules, etc.
When and where will practices be if my daughter makes a team?
Practices will be either Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday from 5-7PM 6-8pm or 7-9PM depending upon which team they make at tryouts. Practices will be held at Hillcrest Middle School, Desert Sky Middle Schoo, Haven Church, or another northwest valley school location.
Are there going to be fundraising opportunities?
Momentum will offer several fundraising opportunities to assist with the costs/fees for each team throughout the season. Team fundraisers will benefit the entire team equally. Individual fundraisers will benefit each player individually.
What costs are associated with travel?
Momentum travel dues are built into the season dues with the exception of the remaining dues for any teams eligible for summer/Nationals season. ALL extra costs, such as travel expenses, hotel, etc. are the responsibility of the player.
Who is responsible for the athletes when we travel?
We strongly recommend that parents travel with their player or send their player with another adult on the team. Players are allowed to travel and stay with another family traveling as long as there is at least 1 adult in the room. Coaches will also be responsible for making sure all players are accounted for upon arrival and throughout the tournament.
Where do we stay when we travel?
Momentum will provide parents with hotel information as it becomes available. Some tournaments will require that the team stays at the same hotel and others are more flexible. Players should plan to stay at the assigned team hotel.
HUDL - For Several of our teams, we have partnered with Hudl!
Hudl Volleyball services are designed to help volleyball coaches and players improve their performance by using video analysis and stat tracking tools. Hudl Volleyball services include:
Hudl Assist: A service that allows you to upload your volleyball matches and get them tagged by professional analysts within 24 hours. You can get advanced stats and reports that will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, scout your opponents, and plan your strategy
Hudl Video and Analysis Solutions: A platform that enables you to record, upload, watch, and manage your volleyball video. You can also create highlights, share feedback, and communicate with your team².
Hudl Fan: A community that connects you with your favorite volleyball teams and players. You can watch livestreams, view highlights, buy tickets, and more.
Hudl Volleyball services are trusted by thousands of high school and club volleyball teams across the world. Whether you want to win more games, develop your skills, or enjoy the sport, Hudl Volleyball services can help you achieve your goals.
NCSA - “We are truly excited to announce a new partnership with Next College Student Athlete (NCSA), the largest, most-trusted recruiting network in the world. We realize that playing collegiately is a goal for many of you and this partnership represents another resource to ensure you maximize this once-in-a-lifetime process. What does this partnership mean? • You’ll receive a free profile listed in the largest database of college coaches • Every family should schedule a Recruiting Assessment to learn more from the NCSA Team • If you’d like to invest in a premium NCSA membership which will provide you additional resources and access, families will receive a special team discounts. https://www.ncsasports.org/about-us/product/athletes
Extreme Speed Training: The Extreme Speed Trainers have decades of combined training experience in speed and athletic performance training. The Extreme Speed Trainers have trained nationally and internationally since 1997. Their objectives are to develop solid athletes, help individuals and teams become stronger, more competitive, confident, and successful. Extreme Speed builds better athletes. EST has created a customized program for Momentum Volleyball athletes to assist with conditioning and educate them in injury prevention https://www.extremespeedtraining.com/
Spooner Physical Therapy: We are excited to have these valuable resources available for our club athletes! They will be helping us with Warm up/Injury Prevention materials, Will be Participation in parent meetings, providing Coaches education on injury prevention, other items of interest that Spooner can provide and providing all athletes access to PT appointments! More info to come! https://www.spoonerpt.com/

For any questions or concerns, contact our Girls Club Director Josh Olshan
Coacholshan@cox.net and CC Info@momentumvb.com
Tryout Location and Times/Age Definitions
Membership Requirements & Tryout Registration
Required Documentation for Tryouts