This page will provide all of the information in regards to our Boys 2024-2025 Fall Club Season.
For any questions or concerns, contact mvcboys@momentumvb.com
Tryout Location and Times/Age Definitions
Membership Requirements & Tryout Registration
Required Documentation for Tryouts

-Provide state-of-the-art dedicated facility without substantially increasing club dues for our Nationals Teams
-Offer more teams an opportunity to travel and get experience playing in a NQ tournament(s) and in AAU
-All fees included in season dues including travel tournaments through January.
-Provide payment plans that extend into January to allow lower overall monthly payments. Free ACH Payments.
-Extended Summer Nationals Payments starting in February!
-Additional tournaments added for Summer/Nationals Teams
-All travel tournaments are drivable. No flights! This allows club dues to remain lower and families save on travel expenses. More family members can attend events too.
Tryout Sessions:
You must be registered for tryouts in order to participate. See below.
Tryouts will be held Saturday, August 10th at Barry Goldwater High School
14711 N 59th Ave Glendale, AZ 85306. Old YMCA building off of 59th Ave and Banff.
See 2024-2025 USAV Age Definition Chart to know which age your player should attend
Session Times:
· 15/16s – Check in @ 8:30am. Tryouts will be from 9am – 10:30am
· 17s/18s – Check in @ 10:30am. Tryouts will be from 11am – 12:30pm
· 14U – Check in @ 12:30pm. Tryouts will be from 1pm – 2:30pm
All players will be required to pay a ($20 CASH Only) non-refundable tryout fee. This covers facility use and fees for tryouts.

Required Memberships and Tryout Registration
Tryout Registration Process:
1. Sportsengine Parent Account
2. Purchase Player Membership from Region site
3. Register for Tryouts with Momentum (Must complete Step 1 and 2 before registering). Players must be registered for tryouts in order to participate.
1. Sportsengine Account:
This is a parent/Guardian requirement. Do not have your players set up and purchase their own memberships. It will cause administrative delays with the region and the clubs and could potentially delay your player from participating. Please read instructions below.
Sportsengine For Returning club players: Parents of returning players should already have a SportsEngine parental account login (Or "Household" Account) from last season. Go to Login.Sportsengine.com and ensure you remember your login email and password. If you don't remember your password, choose the password reset option. Once logged in, find your sons membership which was purchased last season and expires Sept 1st, 2023. Write down the membership number. You will use this when registering for tryouts. Players ARE eligible for tryouts this season using the current membership since it is good until September 1st, 2023. If your player makes a roster, you will need to renew your son's membership prior to Sept 1st, 2023 for the upcoming 2024 season. New memberships will be good from Sept 1, 2023 until Sept 1, 2024 and are purchased via the region website directly. Renewing your players membership instructions can be found below if you would like to complete that early.
Sportsengine For new club players: Parents will need to set up a new Parent Account (Also known as a "Household account") at Login.Sportsengine.com . Please be sure to remember your new login email and password. When setting up this new account, be sure to enter the Adult/Guardian's information into the profile, not the player. Once you have created your account and can access Sportsengine, you can leave the SE site and continue to step 2, purchasing your players membership.
2. Purchasing Memberships
Memberships For Returning Club Players – If you are not a returning club player, skip this step and see section for New Club Players below.
You may purchase the new player membership via the region page (or via the hyperlinks in this article), which will take effect Sept 1. If you are going to wait until closer to Sept 1 to renew, then continue on to the next step, "Registering for Tryouts at Momentum". If you are going to renew your players membership early, It is very important you click the correct link when purchasing the membership. On the region page, you will NOT purchase the "summer" membership (because you have an active membership until Sept 1,2023), you will choose the regular indoor membership. If your player is turning 18 at any point before August 31, 2024, you will need to click the "Junior 18s Indoor". If your player is 17 or younger, click the "Junior 17s and Younger" link. *Players turning 18 before August 31st, 2024 will need to complete a mandatory safesport training inside Sportsengine prior to competition starting.
When you click the membership link, it will redirect you to Sportsengine. If it doesn't automatically log you in, log in with your parent account email and password. Once logged in at the top of the screen, it will ask you WHO IS THIS MEMBERSHIP FOR? Do not click the parent name. This is where you will select your players name. If the player is NOT listed, then Click Add Player/Or Child. Fill out the Players information because that is who the membership is for. Be careful, DO NOT put Parent information for the player membership. This will cause administrative delays getting it changed. Complete the steps to purchase.
The AZ Region Page to purchase new memberships can be found here if the links on this page stop working.
Have your current USAV Players membership number available when registering for Momentum tryouts via the QR code below.
Memberships For Brand New Club Players – Your player needs a USAV Player membership to try out and participate in any USAV sanctioned events in AZ. Since your player does not have an active membership, you will need to purchase a temporary summer membership to attend tryouts and attend practices which will be in effect from now until September 1st, 2023. The summer memberships are at a discounted cost. ***If your player makes a roster, you will be required to follow the steps above for "Returning Club Players" and purchase the full season membership which will be in effect from September 1st, 2023 until September 1st, 2024.
Summer Membership must be purchased before Tryouts and you need the membership number to register for tryouts at MVC.
Purchasing Summer Membership:
On the region page (or on the hyperlinks on this site), you will purchase the "summer" membership (because your players does not have an active membership). If your player is turning 18 before August 31st, 2023, you will need to click the "Junior 18s Summer". If your player is 17 or younger, click the "Junior 17s and Younger Summer" link.
When you click the membership link, it will redirect you to the Sportsengine account you did in step 1. If it doesn't automatically log you in, log in with your parent account. Once logged in at the top of the screen, it will ask you WHO IS THIS MEMBERSHIP FOR? Do not click the parent name. Click Add Player/Or Child. Fill out the Players information because that is who the membership is for. Be careful, DO NOT put Parent information for the player membership. This will cause administrative delays getting it changed. Complete the steps to purchase.
The AZ Region Page to purchase new memberships can be found here if the links on this page stop working.
Have your current USAV Players membership number available when registering for Momentum tryouts via the QR code below.
3. Registering for Tryouts at Momentum
Have your current USAV Players membership number available when registering for Momentum tryouts via the QR code below.
Click this link, or scan the QR Code below and complete the tryout registration process. Only complete this if you are 100% committed to attending our tryouts. We use the registration numbers to project teams and age groups prior to tryout morning. When you click the link, the page will open, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the button to begin. This is a form created in Sportsengine, so it may have you log in to your parent account again to complete the registration process. Please ensure accuracy when entering information, especially with player birthdays.
Register for tryouts Here or Scan the QR code Below from your phone:

Required Forms to Bring to Tryouts
Fill out all required forms and paperwork below. Feel free to turn paperwork in at open house/eval nights. Please do not double side the forms. Fill out forms legibly. Only parents or responsible player guardians should fill these out.
Tryout Paperwork: All documents are REQUIRED in order to try out. Forms will also be emailed prior to tryouts.
If this is your first year playing club, bring a copy of your birth certificate
$20 Cash Tryout Fee - Also Be Prepared to pay minimum cash or check deposit to secure roster spot
Projected Teams & Dues:
National & Travel Teams:
All players will be required to pay a ($20 CASH Only) non-refundable tryout fee. This covers facility use and fees for tryouts.
If a player makes a roster, we will require a $675 Cash or Check (Made out to Momentum Volleyball Club) Deposit immediately following tryouts. We will not be taking credit or debit card payments at tryouts. This deposit covers the complete custom uniform package which will be ordered immediately and August dues). We allow the remaining balance for the season to be paid in monthly payment plans, see below.
*Additional Travel Expenses are not included in club dues.
18 Black, 17 Black, 16 Black - $2650
Fee Breakdown: $675 initial deposit (includes uniform package fee + August fees). Remaining balance = $1975 or 5 payments of $395/mo (Sept 1 – Jan 1)
Season Fees Include:
Local Tournaments: 6 Region Tournaments, PCH AZ MLK Grand Prix – January 13th-15th (Legacy Park, East Valley)
Travel Tournaments: So Cal Cup Winter Formal (Dec. 8-10 in Anaheim), SCVA National Qualifier (Jan. 5-7 in LA/Anaheim) *Player hotel/travel expenses not included*
Custom uniform package (3 jerseys, warm up, backpack, practice shirt), tournament entry fees, practice/gym time, coaches salaries/travel expenses, Extreme Speed Training, NCSA Free Player Profile for Recruiting
Summer/National Fees Not Included: (Fees TBA)
Projected Tournaments Include: Pre-National Tune Up (June 2024 in AZ), So Cal Cup The Showcase (June 2024 in Anaheim), USAV Boys Junior National Championships (June/July 2024 in Dallas) or AAU Nationals (July 2024 in Orlando)
18 Red, 17 Red, 16 Red, 15 Black, 14 Black - $2350
Fee Breakdown: $675 initial deposit (includes uniform package fee + August fees). Remaining balance = $1675 or 5 payments of $335/mo (Sept 1– Jan 1)
Season Fees Include:
Local Tournaments: 6 Region Tournaments, PCH AZ MLK Grand Prix – January 13th-15th (Legacy Park, East Valley)
Travel Tournaments: SCVA National Qualifier (Jan. 5-7 in Anaheim), So Cal Cup Winter Formal (Dec. 8-10 in LA/Anaheim) – OPTION for 18 Red and 17 Red ONLY (additional fee) *Player hotel/travel expenses not included*
Custom uniform package (3 jerseys, warm up, backpack, practice shirt), tournament entry fees, practice/gym time, coaches salaries/travel expenses, Extreme Speed Training, NCSA Free Player Profile for Recruiting
Summer/National Fees Not Included: (Fees TBA)
Projected Tournaments Include: Pre-National Tune Up (June 2024 in AZ), Boys Junior National Championships (June/July 2024 in Dallas)
Non-Travel Teams: Region Only Tournaments
18 White, 17 White, 16 White, 15 Red, 14 Red - $1975.00
Momentum does anticipate to form at least 2 additional regional teams in the age groups listed above based on projections. These teams would not travel and would participate in the region season schedule. Season would end after region finals in December. These teams are not guaranteed and will be determined on day of tryouts.
Fee Breakdown: $675 initial deposit (includes uniform package fee + August fees). Remaining balance = $1300 or 4 payments of $325/mo (Sept 1– Dec 1)
6 Region Tournaments (AZ) Custom uniform package (2 jerseys, warm up, backpack, practice shirt), tournament entry fees, practice/gym time, coaches salaries, NCSA Free Player Profile for Recruiting
Tournament Schedule: (subject to change)
All region tournaments will be on Saturdays only and locations will generally be in the East Valley. Tournaments all begin at 9AM play with an 8AM arrival and will last until end late afternoon.
Region Tournament #1 - September 23rd, 2023
Region Tournament #2 – October 7th, 2023
Region Tournament #3 – October 14th, 2023
Region Tournament #4 – October 28th, 2023
Region Tournament #5 – November 11th, 2023
Region Championships - December 2nd, 2023
Additional Tournaments:
So Cal Cup Winter Formal – Dec. 8-10 (Specific National/Travel Teams Only) Los Angeles Convention Center
SCVA National Qualifier – Jan. 5-7 (Specific National/Travel Teams Only) Anaheim/Irvine
PCH AZ MLK Grand Prix – January 13th-15th (Legacy Park, East Valley)
*Summer Nationals Tournaments: TBA
Projected Coaches
Boys Club Director/Coach: Damon Mays
*Coaching Lineups are based on projected teams and are subject to change*
18 Black: Trent Bruns & Andrew De Leon
18 Red: Todd Polley & Bryan Ilena
18 White: TBA/TBA
17 Black: Tate Abbott & Andrew Mouw
17 Red: Tony Gale & Tyler Leibundgut
17 White: TBA/TBA
16 Black: Kory Peterson & Kyle Berger
16 Red: Tate Kouris & Bodhi Bettes
16 White: TBA/TBA
15 Black: Delaney Micensky & Nate Mayfield
15 Red: Gregg McConnell & Bri Beacom
14 Black: Mac Huser & James Kongaika
14 Red: TBA/TBA
Club Owners: Greg and Glennda Freeman
Can I stay to watch my son during tryouts?
No, this is a closed tryout to parents. Parents will be asked to leave or wait in their vehicle and will be given a time to return.
How will I know if my son makes a team?
Players will be notified at the end of the tryout session if they made a team or not. If your player makes a team, they will contact you right away and you will be asked to fill out the required tryout paperwork, forms, contracts, meet with coaches, and submit payment to secure roster spot, etc.
What happens after I complete my tryout paperwork?
Once your paperwork is complete, you will then go to the payment table to turn in your $800 commitment deposit. This secures your roster spot and allows us to get the custom uniform package ordered ASAP. For those on payment plans, this deposit also covers remaining August Dues. During this time, your player will be sized for their uniforms and you will be given next steps, practice info, practice schedules, etc.
When and where will practices be if my son makes a team?
Practices will be either Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday from 5-7PM or 7-9PM depending upon which team they make at tryouts. Practices will be held at Haven Church or Desert Sky Middle School.
Are there going to be fundraising opportunities?
Momentum will offer several fundraising opportunities to assist with the costs/fees for each team throughout the season. Team fundraisers will benefit the entire team equally. Individual fundraisers will benefit each player individually.
What costs are associated with travel?
Momentum travel dues are built into the season dues with the exception of the remaining dues for the summer/Nationals season. ALL extra costs, such as travel expenses, hotel, etc. are the responsibility of the player.
Who is responsible for the athletes when we travel?
We strongly recommend that parents travel with their player or send their player with another adult on the team. Players are allowed to travel and stay with another family traveling as long as there is at least 1 adult in the room. Coaches will also be responsible for making sure all players are accounted for upon arrival and throughout the tournament.
Where do we stay when we travel?
Momentum will provide parents with hotel information as it becomes available. Some tournaments will require that the team stays at the same hotel and others are more flexible. Players should plan to stay at the assigned team hotel.
NCSA - “We are truly excited to announce a new partnership with Next College Student Athlete (NCSA), the largest, most-trusted recruiting network in the world. We realize that playing collegiately is a goal for many of you and this partnership represents another resource to ensure you maximize this once-in-a-lifetime process. What does this partnership mean? • You’ll receive a free profile listed in the largest database of college coaches • Every family should schedule a Recruiting Assessment to learn more from the NCSA Team • If you’d like to invest in a premium NCSA membership which will provide you additional resources and access, families will receive a special team discounts. https://www.ncsasports.org/about-us/product/athletes
Extreme Speed Training: The Extreme Speed Trainers have decades of combined training experience in speed and athletic performance training. The Extreme Speed Trainers have trained nationally and internationally since 1997. Their objectives are to develop solid athletes, help individuals and teams become stronger, more competitive, confident, and successful. Extreme Speed builds better athletes. EST has created a customized program for Momentum Volleyball athletes to assist with conditioning and educate them in injury prevention https://www.extremespeedtraining.com/
Spooner Physical Therapy: We are excited to have these valuable resources available for our club athletes! They will be helping us with Warm up/Injury Prevention materials, Will be Participation in parent meetings, providing Coaches education on injury prevention, other items of interest that Spooner can provide and providing all athletes access to PT appointments! More info to come! https://www.spoonerpt.com/